
Latest Updates On The COVID-19 Vaccine!!

To stop the widespread of coronavirus, researchers are working 24/7 on its vaccine. To date, two coronavirus vaccines have been approved: EpiVacCorona and Sputnik V. Ministery approve these two vaccines of Health of the Russian Federation on 10 August. However, the World Health Organization is questioning the vaccine’s safety and thus has not approved it as safe for use. Some reports have stated that these vaccines have not yet entered into Phase 3 of clinical trials.

The pandemic is getting worse with passing time and thus led to some unprecedented private/public partnerships. Recently, Operation Wrap Speed has collaborated with several US federal government departments that include Veteran Affairs, energy, agriculture, and the health sector. Moreover, it has announced funding for the phase 3 clinical trial. It is mainly going to fund three vaccines: AstraZeneca’s, Moderna’s mRNA-1273, and BioTech’s BNT162.

Recently, the WHO has warned the world that the second wave of coronavirus can again hit the world. The news is quite horrible, and many world leaders are thinking seriously about it. However, now the only vaccine is the last hope of the people. The vaccine of COVID-19 is expected to be launched in the mid of next year. Moving further, let’s see some more updates on the coronavirus vaccine.

Why has the trial of some coronavirus vaccine halted?

Recently, Johnson & Johnson has become the second company to halt the coronavirus vaccine trial. It has stated that it is only a study hold instead of a regulatory hold. Earlier, AstraZeneca that is developed jointly with Oxford University, has resumed its trials. This is done after finding illness in one candidate who has gone through vaccine trials.

After some successful trials, various companies have announced the vaccine’s launch at the starting of next year. Now the government is preparing a network so that this vaccine can be reached to the maximum people. Many countries have also purchased millions of doses of vaccine.

Stand of WHO on coronavirus vaccine

According to the World Health Organization, we could expect the coronavirus vaccine in the mid of 2021. Moreover, wide delivery and distribution of vaccines could be scheduled at the last of next year. So, until the discovery of a vaccine, we have to take proper precautions.

Now winters are arriving, and scientist has predicted that in winters coronavirus can show worse effect. So, it is essential to drink hot water regularly and use hand sanitizer and mask. Otherwise, try to avoid unnecessary traveling and touching various surfaces as it will spread the coronavirus in your community.

Lastly, especially Children and senior citizens are advised to stay at home as their immunity cannot fight with the coronavirus. In some studies, it has been seen that almost 70 percent of overall deaths that are caused by the coronavirus are above fifty-year age. So, in this crucial time, we have to take care of our senior citizens and try our best to save their lives.